Anna Belova, President of the Committee of 20 Recognized for WORLD OF DIFFERENCE AWARD The International Alliance for Women honor 100 Awardees at Global Forum on October 27
Anna Belova Recognized for WORLD OF DIFFERENCE AWARD
The International Alliance for Women honor 100 Awardees at Global Forum on October 27
Anna Belova, JSC "Siberian Coal Energy Company" (SUEK),
has been selected by The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) as a
recipient of the 2011 TIAW World of Difference 100 Awards. Along with
fellow award recipients, Anna will be recognized October 27, 2011 as
part of the TIAW Global Forum at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC.
2011 awards recognize 100 achievers from 27 countries for their efforts
in advancing the economic empowerment of women locally, regionally or
worldwide. Recipients are selected from leaders of communities,
organizations, corporations, regions or countries who have taken action
to support women’s economic empowerment and advancement in society and
in business.
ANNA BELOVA – Russian Federation
Belova is a distinguished leader who serves as a role-model for the
emerging generation of women business leaders. She has been holding top
management positions in huge Russian and multi-national companies for
many years. In early 2000s she was invited to serve the Government of
the Russian Federation (RF) being appointed Deputy Minister for
Railways of RF, and the first woman in such a top position within the
150 year history of this largest state-run monopoly. At present, she
also serves on Boards of many private and state-owned companies. She has
been ranked among the 50 most powerful women in Russia for many years.
is also a founding member and the President (being re-elected 3 times)
of one of the most reputable organizations of Russian women business
leaders called the Committee of 20. The mission of the organization is
to help Russian businesswomen increase their success and be recognized
as an influential power in the economic development of the country.
has always been an outstanding spokesperson and advocate for economic
empowerment for women. She dedicates much of her time to programs such
as mentoring for growing women entrepreneurs and corporate women; School
of Leadership for University students and Business schools; surveys on
women career development issues and many other programs aimed at
increasing women’s leadership potential and professional sustainability.
For the outstanding achievements both in business and in volunteer NGO
activities, she won the Award of National recognition, “Olympia” and
many other awards.
TIAW ( )
is an international umbrella organization which strives to support and
promote professional women through resources and networks. Founded in
1980, it has emerged as the global voice of businesswomen who want to
make a difference in their communities. TIAW connects leading women’s
organizations and their members worldwide to leverage their reach and
resources. Located primarily in the Americas, Asia and Europe, they
represent more than 35,000 members worldwide.
TIAW Global Forum will be held October 26-28 when women leaders and
thoughtful strategists from around the world gather at the Canadian
Embassy, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. Sessions will be
held on entrepreneurship, microenterprise, and women in leadership. The
World of Difference Awards banquet will be held on October 27. For more
information on the TIAW Global Forum, please go to
About The C20
The Committee of 20 is a nonprofit organization of the most successful Russian businesswomen, who hold top positions in leading companies, have achieved their success in a comparatively short period by starting their companies from scratch and growing them into recognized industry leaders.