The 1st «Leadership Forum for girls» under auspices of the Committee of 20 was held in Samara on March 31st, 2012
The 1st «Leadership Forum for girls» under auspices of the Committee of 20 was held in Samara on March 31st, 2012. More than 40 students of Samara universities, representatives of non-governmental and youth organizations took part in it. This Forum was organized at the initiative of Ekaterina Mordvinova, student of the Samara University and the representative of Russia at Girls’20 Summit in Paris in 2011. Being inspired by the ideas of the Summit Ekaterina decided to launch her own project in Russia. She addressed the leaders of women organizations with the request to support her initiative.
The Committee of 20 decided to support the Forum. Elena Fedyashina, Executive Director of the Committee of 20, came to Samara and held an interactive discussion on the topic “The changing role of women in the changing world”. She also presented results of the survey “Career in Russia: how to get to the top?...” which raised the great interest of the participants. Then Irina Kosterina, leading sociologist of the international Heinrich Boll Foundation delivered a speech and held a workshop «Gender and gender equality» for all participants.
The Committee of 20 decided to support the new community of girls-leaders in Samara in their Mentoring program and other initiatives.
About The C20
The Committee of 20 is a nonprofit organization of the most successful Russian businesswomen, who hold top positions in leading companies, have achieved their success in a comparatively short period by starting their companies from scratch and growing them into recognized industry leaders.