Marina Malykhina
President & CEO Market & opinion research agency MAGRAM Market Research
Market and opinion research.
Affiliated offices: Wide network of MAGRAM MR regional representatives and partners covers all Russia’s regions and the CIS countries.
Extra information:
MAGRAM Market Research is one of the leading research companies specializing in individually tailored custom research projects. It offers a full range of quantitative and qualitative services across consumer, business and special target markets as well as Desk Top Secondary Data research. With in-house state-of-the art facilities, professional research experts and nation-wide field force MAGRAM Market Research offers a full range of services which make it possible to acquire all marketing information enabling to conduct business activities in the most effective way. MAGRAM Market Research holds one of the leading positions within its area.
Activities of «MAGRAM Medicus» involve the markets of both prescription and OTC drugs. The company provides its clients with effective solutions of different business tasks: reveal of potential market niche, launch of the new drug, brand repositioning, assessment of market volume, collection and processing of data concerning competing brands within the category (consumption, awareness, consumption loyalty), collection and processing of data concerning places of purchase and purchasing frequency, as well as consumers’ motivation, target audience’s profile, product image etc.
«MAGRAM Finance & Insurance» department is also developing. It specializes in researches of finance and insurance markets. Another new department dealing with automobile industry is currently in progress. MAGRAM Market Research continues to enhance its key FMCG practice.
Dirol-Cadbury LLC, MTV, Liggett-Ducat Gallaher, 3M, L’Oreal, Oriflame, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Xerox, Hewlett Packard, Johnson & Johnson, GM Autovaz, Alfa Bank, «Nizhpharm», British Council, Campina, Lukoil, Megaphon, «Krasny Oktyabr» etc.
Education: The Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Socio-economic Sciences.
Key business activities:
Marina A. Malykhina graduated from the faculty of socio-economic sciences of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, for several years studied and worked in the USA. The company MAGRAM Market Research founded by her in 1997 specializes in surveys conducted for «blue chips» of the Russian market, being one of Russia’s top market research agencies in the area of qualitative and quantitative surveys. Headed by Marina Malykhina, the company MAGRAM Market Research is marked out by a constant introduction of advanced market research methods and has one of the widest and the most professional research networks in Russia and the CIS countries.
Participation in public organizations: The member of ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research); Actively involved in the Coalition for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR); Head of the Marketing Committee at AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce) in Moscow. The member and co-founder of «The committee of 20».
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News & Events
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The International Forum “Women in the Modern Economy: challenges and solutions” was held in Moscow on the 19th of November in the Marriott Grand hotel in Moscow.It was organized by the “Committee of 20”. 125 people attended the Forum, 69 of them being CEOs, VPs and Managing Partners of the big multinational and Russian companies. The participants represented more than 100 companies and organizations, Universities, NGOs and media. More →
The 9th edition of Women’s Global Forum completed its work in Deauville, France. More than 1200 participants from 70 countries participated in the event. The Women’s Forum Meetings aim to bring together leaders from all over the world – women and men – representing the business world, the government, academic circles, culture, etc. in order to give new perspectives to key issues in our present and our future; to create a powerful, global network in order to strengthen the influence of women throughout the world; to draw up innovative and concrete action plans to encourage women’s contribution to society and promote diversity in the business world. More →
Svetlana Balanova and Tatyana Zrelova, members of the Committee of 20 have become the winners of the competition held by EY in Russia “Entrepreneurial Winning Women”.They were recognized and selected by the reputable jury as winners in the categories “Master of Business” and “IT and Telecommunications” respectively. More →