Yelena Voronina
Director General and principal shareholder of Close Corporation IC «Russian Financial Traditions».
Company profile:
Financial services in the Russian stock market: brokerage services, depositary, asset management, Internet trading, marginal crediting. Taxation and investment consulting.
Company type:
Russian company, close corporation.
Additional information: IC «RFT» is active at the Russian market since 1995. The company is a professional participant at the securities market. In 1996 the company became a Member of the National Association of the Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR) and joined the Not-for-profit Partnership «The RTS Stock Exchange». From 2002 the company is a Member of the Stock Market Section of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). The vast experience of the IC «RFT» specialists gathered during the nine years of work, allows the Company to profitably place their clients’ assets at the Russian stock market. The dynamics of the company development features a steady pace of the increase of all the indices. New trends of the company development: developer activity, projects of direct investment into the Russian industry. Fulfilling its engagements, IC «RFT» establishes long-term mutually beneficial ties with its clients and partners, upholding its good reputation.
— Higher education, Moscow Road-Transport Institute (MRTI);
— Qualification Certificate of the Federal Commission on Securities Market (FCSM of Russia) since 1993;
— From 2002 until present time is in the course of obtaining a second higher education at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (M.V. Lomonosov MSU), specializing in «National Economy».
Principal steps in business:
1992 — 1994: expert in securities, «United Europe» JSC;
1994 — 1995: Director General, close Corporation IC «Eurofinances»;
1995 — 1996: Chief of Trading Office of the Active Operations Department of the Russian Financial Corporation;
From 1996 until preset time: Director General and principal shareholder of Close Corporation IC «Russian Financial Traditions».
Participation in public organizations: Member of the Committee of 20, Member of the Russian Branch of the International Women’s Forum.
Family: Married, 2 children.
Hobbies: collecting Russian painting and drawings, travelling, landscape design, Ashtanga-Yoga.
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