Short version of the survey
We’re happy to present brief version of the survey. You can leave request for the full version at our web-site. Intellectual property rights to this study and its results belong to non-profit organisation The Committee of 20; if you use any of the data contained in the brochure, please make a proper reference to its source.
Table of contents
About the study
Methodology and sample
Career development factors
General factors
Role of education in men’s and women’s career development
Motivating factors to climb the career ladder
Leadership as a conscious choice
Similarities and differences between men’s
and women’s motivating factors
Barriers to career development
Common barriers
Barriers hindering women’s careers
“Male” society
Why Russian women underestimate their potential
The imaginary limit
Gender stereotypes and leadership
Man the leader
The housewife myth
Perception of female bosses
More balanced teams
Recommendations to women managers
How to break the glass ceiling
Expert Opinion
To our readers
List of the projects
News & Events
The Committee of 20 presents its new all-Russia Survey «Developing Entrepreneurial Skills in the Context of Relevant and Efficient Business Support Measures»The goals and objectives of the survey: More →
The International Forum «Women in today's economy: heading towards entrepreneurship? » was held in Moscow on 19 November 2014, organised by the non-profit partnership “The Committee of 20” in the framework of Global Entrepreneurship Week.The International Forum «Women in today's economy: heading towards entrepreneurship? » was held in Moscow on 19 November 2014, organised by the non-profit partnership “The Committee of 20” in the framework of Global Entrepreneurship Week. The Forum, as always, was focused on the most relevant aspects of female entrepreneurship, and increasing women’s role in the country’s economic development. More →
The International Forum “Women in the Modern Economy: challenges and solutions” was held in Moscow on the 19th of November in the Marriott Grand hotel in Moscow.It was organized by the “Committee of 20”. 125 people attended the Forum, 69 of them being CEOs, VPs and Managing Partners of the big multinational and Russian companies. The participants represented more than 100 companies and organizations, Universities, NGOs and media. More →
The 9th edition of Women’s Global Forum completed its work in Deauville, France. More than 1200 participants from 70 countries participated in the event. The Women’s Forum Meetings aim to bring together leaders from all over the world – women and men – representing the business world, the government, academic circles, culture, etc. in order to give new perspectives to key issues in our present and our future; to create a powerful, global network in order to strengthen the influence of women throughout the world; to draw up innovative and concrete action plans to encourage women’s contribution to society and promote diversity in the business world. More →
Svetlana Balanova and Tatyana Zrelova, members of the Committee of 20 have become the winners of the competition held by EY in Russia “Entrepreneurial Winning Women”.They were recognized and selected by the reputable jury as winners in the categories “Master of Business” and “IT and Telecommunications” respectively. More →